Carolyne Marquez

About Me

I have always liked sports, started with soccer ,track & field and volleyball.
Started bodybuilding because a friend got me to the gym one day and I loved the soreness and results I got from it. Been building my body for 7 yrs now almost 8, never have used steroids nor competed.
Love the feeling I get when doing any sport.

Personal Details

Carolyne Marquez

Birthdate : 2007-4-11 23:59:59
Profession : Mechanical engineering, Fitness Model, Baker and Trainer
About me : I have always liked sports, started with soccer ,track & field and volleyball. Started bodybuilding because a friend got me to the gym one day and I loved the soreness and results I got from it. Been building my body for 7 yrs now almost 8, never have used steroids nor competed. Love the feeling I get when doing any sport.
Accomplishments : Becoming a Mechanical Engineer was one of my greatest accomplishments. Also, getting the body I have now without the use of any Steroids.
Training : I prefer super and giant sets in my trainings. I train legs 3 times a week.
Nutrition : I do not eat refined sugar,red meat,white flour,white rice and hydrogenated oils. I prefer to eat starchy vegetables, fruits,chicken,eggs,fish and turkey.
City / Town : Puerto Rico,Puerto Rico
Website :
Instagram :
Youtube :
Graduation Year : 05/20/2019


Mechanical engineering, Fitness Model, Baker and Trainer


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