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  • RCA Sparepart Motor Berkualitas Terbaik dengan Harga Terjangkau di Indonesia - cipto junaedy - Sebelumnya mohon maaf jika artikel ini ada ketidaknyamanan bagi para pembaca, artikel ini menurut saya sangat menarik dan mohon bagi admin website ini untuk mempertimbangkan jika ingin menghapus artikel ini, BERHARAP TIDAK! Perkenankan saya menceloteh penelitian mahasiswa teladan dari berbagai kampus ternama di indonesia.

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    Cipto Junaedy Peraih Rekor Dunia,
    Cipto Junaedy Beli Properti Tanpa Utang,
    Cipto Junaedy Man Of The Year 2011,
    Cipto Junaedy Pemberi Rumah Gratis,
    Cipto Junaedy Vs Robert Kiyosaki,
    Cipto Junaedy Ebook

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    Javanese manuscript management different from the collection in general , requires great care and caution because of the age old manuscripts and manuscript paper very easy fragile . Many of the problems encountered in the management process caused by factors manuscript itself or factors outside the collection . This study aimed to describe the problems that occur in the process of manuscript management of Java . This research was conducted in BPAD DIY using qualitative research methods , is to dig the facts relating to the problem that occurred in the process of manuscript management Javanese then described with reference to the items in the interview questions in the field . After the data collected and presented in the form of words or phrases that correspond to the reality , in this study the main instrument is the researchers themselves , and therefore researchers conduct their own observations / observations and interviews indeep to get in-depth information .

    Data analysis techniques in this study starts from the data that has been collected (data from interviews , observation , and documentation ) is reduced by means analyzed and interpreted then presented that can be easily understood its meaning . The results of this study to describe that there are some problems encountered in the process of BPAD DIY manuscript management of Java , the problem is not formulated in terms of procurement of new manuscripts and acquisition activity has been no activity manuscript purchase .

    Section is a collection of services that are still administered in the form of original writing , the process of opening a collection of manuscripts that are less cautious , which is not a standard room temperature , lending just read place , a copy of the manuscript that too often , the displacement lies manuscripts are not on the shelves , and the displacement of manuscripts to a new building that is less standard in terms of safety and comfort . And on the preservation of that fumigation activities , rather than language medi and still be the third person , as well as the use of imported tissue paper for laminate collection of manuscripts which are expensive .

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  • Date & Time
    Aug 20 2015 at 12:00 AM - Aug 11 2016 at 12:00 AM
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  • Event Admins
    Rca Mitha
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