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Immune CANDY 8Immune_CANDY

Sold by: Fit Martians
Shop owner : Carolynefit
Social profile: Carolynefit
Immune CANDY
Immune CANDYImmune CANDY
Keep your immune system at 100% with this All Natural Elderberry Candy. This box contains 5 test tubes to fill you up with vitamins during your week.   Ingredients: Alkaline Water, Sambucus Nigra Elderberry, Erythritol, Organic Cinnamon Ground, Organic Apple Cider Vinager, Sodium Bicarbonate, Gin ...Read more
50,64 € ($52.99) each

  • Description
  • Specifications

Keep your immune system at 100% with this All Natural Elderberry Candy. This box contains 5 test tubes to fill you up with vitamins during your week.



Alkaline Water, Sambucus Nigra Elderberry, Erythritol, Organic Cinnamon Ground, Organic Apple Cider Vinager, Sodium Bicarbonate, Ginger. 


*This statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease or health condition.


(The product color and shape may vary)

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